Exergen TAT-2000C Instructions For Use & Warranty

follow the instructions below and read the user manual carefully.

Installing the Battery

1. Locate the battery compartment at the back of the thermometer.

2. Face the top of the thermometer toward you and place your thumb on

the ridges.

3. Press down firmly and slide the cover away from you, toward the bottom

of the thermometer.

4. Insert a 9-volt battery with the positive (small) terminal on the right.

5. Slide the battery compartment cover back into place.

Taking a Temperature

1. Remove protective cap.

2. Hold thermometer so that thumb or index finger is positioned over the

SCAN button (DO NOT depress until step four).

3. Place the probe flush (flat) on the center of forehead.

4. Press and hold the SCAN button.

5. Lightly slide thermometer either left or right from the center of forehead

to the hairline, keeping the sensor flat and in contact with the skin for

the entire scan

(2-3 seconds).

 You will hear beeping and a red light will flash during the scan.

This is normal, indicating that a measurement is taking place.

6. Release the SCAN button and remove the thermometer from head once

you reach hairline.

7. Read the temperature on display.

If perspiration is present on forehead:

1. Press and hold the SCAN button.

2. Place the probe on the neck just behind the ear lobe.

3. Release the SCAN button and remove the thermometer to get a reading.

When Not in Use

Thermometer will shut off automatically after 30 seconds.

To turn off immediately, press and release the SCAN button

Always replace the cap to protect the sensor when not in use.

Clinically proven

accuracy for

Familiarize Yourself with the Instrument

To Scan: Depress the button. The

instrument will continually scan for the

highest temperature (peak) as long as the

button is depressed. Beeping and LED

flashing: Beep and LED flashing indicate

a rise to a higher temperature, similar to a

radar detector. Slow beeping indicates that

the instrument is still scanning, but not

finding any higher temperatures. Retain

Reading: The reading will remain on the

display for 30 seconds after the button is

released. To Restart: Depress the button

to restart. It is not necessary to wait until

the display is clear, the thermometer will

immediately begin a new scan each time

the button is depressed.

Your TemporalScanner can display the temperature in either °F

or °C, as indicated by the small °F or °C in the upper right of

the display. The original factory setting is °F. If you wish to

change it to °C, follow the steps below:

1. Take a temperature. While the temperature is displayed, tap

the button three times rapidly. A flashing F-C alternating

with °C will appear. This indicates that the mode has

changed to °C.

2. Take a new temperature. You will see that it is displaying in

the °C mode, and the small upper right indication is °C.

3. To change from the °C mode to the °F mode, repeat steps

What you should know before scanning the TA: Measure only the side of

the head exposed to the environment. Anything covering the area to be

measured (hair, hat, wig, bandages) would insulate the area, resulting in

falsely high readings. Slide the thermometer straight across the forehead, not

down the side of the face. Midline on the forehead, the TA is about a

millimeter below the skin, whereas at the side of the face, the TA is much

deeper, and measuring there would result in falsely low readings. When

taking the temperature behind the ear (if there is perspiration on the

forehead), first push away any hair, exposing the area. Then, tuck the

thermometer on the neck below the ear lobe, in the soft conical depression,

(the place where perfume might be applied). Wait about 60 seconds before

measuring the same person again to avoid excessive cooling of the skin. An

infant is frequently swaddled in blankets and clothing covering the neck

area. Unless visibly sweaty, one measurement at the TA area is typically all

that is required. Should you feel the temperature is low, then push aside any

clothing or blankets covering the neck area for ~30 seconds or so, and repeat

the measurement on the neck behind the ear. Factors that may affect

measurement accuracy: The patented Arterial Heat Balance (AHB)

technology in your TemporalScanner actually makes two separate

measurements (1) the temperature of the skin over the temporal artery, and

(2) the temperature of the room. To determine the most accurate reading, it

measures both temperatures some 1000 times a second as you sweep the

TemporalScanner across the forehead. The AHB system then calculates how

much the blood has cooled down during its journey from the heart to the skin

over the temporal artery and makes allowance for this in the temperature it

displays. The result is a highly accurate reading - delivered extremely fast and

with no discomfort.

Selecting °F or °C Mode

Scanning the Temporal Artery (TA)